Best source for AR lowers


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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Ok, I got a few answers on my original post in the equipment section on what type of AR lower to get. I realize everyone has a preference and have seen many names like Bushmaster, Stag, and RRA. I'm getting ready to order one in a few weeks through a local FFL. I'm thinking of getting a complete lower because I have to admit, the idea of adding the internal parts to a stripped receiver sounds a bit intimidating. Question is I don't know if I should go with .223, or .308? I don't plan on shooting competition with the rifle, I just want something in an AR style that could function as a SHTF tool and also a fun plinker/shooter in the likely event that the shit never does hit the fan. Plus I want one before someone tells me I can't have one.[wink]
So I'll rephrase my original question here: If you knew very little about AR rifles but wanted one and didn't have the money for a whole rifle, just the lower, what would you do?

BTW, feel free to PM me with any links to where I should buy from if its not suitable posting them here.
You can't go wrong with any of the 3, although my preference has always been for RRAs lowers. They have a real nice fit and finish and if you top it off with an RRA upper you'll get practically zero upper and lower wobble.

One minor thing to consider with the upper you plan to purchase... if you go with one manufacturers lower and another ones upper, the finish might not match to your liking. Then again, I'm overly anal about those kind of things. [smile]

My only complaint about RRA is their slow turn around... you might end up waiting a couple of months or more for a stripped lower.

Personally, I'd go with .223 instead over .308... there's more inexpensive ammo and mag availability and one of the caveats of the AR platform is it's low recoil.

If you want something in .308, find a nice M1-A or FN FAL.

Assembling an AR is a piece of cake. The biggest PITA is installing the front pivot pin/detent/detent spring... some builders will do it in the bathtub with the shower curtains closed and the drain covered [wink] (that spring and detent will take off like a projectile and forget about ever finding them again).
The AR platform is quite easy to assemble. Its really one of the most plug and play guns out there. Working from a diagram, even as a beginner you should be able to assemble a lower in less than 30 minutes, shorter if you have an assembled example to go by. Go for it, you'll be glad you did.
The AR platform is quite easy to assemble. Its really one of the most plug and play guns out there. Working from a diagram, even as a beginner you should be able to assemble a lower in less than 30 minutes, shorter if you have an assembled example to go by. Go for it, you'll be glad you did.

My first one took about 45 minutes. I've done another 3 since they took <30 min.
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