Be Afraid, Squirrels...

Jul 19, 2006
Live Free or Die
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Be very afraid. And you chipmunks better watch yourselves, too.

I finally got the time to put some rounds on paper with this setup, and get the 'scope dialed in, now that the damn heat broke.



Any squirrel in my neighborhood stupid enough to piss me off is going to die very quietly. With the Remington Subsonics, the loudest sound is the bullet whacking into the wood target backstop. The Delrin bolt stop really eats up the sound from bolt clatter, as well.

Now I need one of those setups that combines a low-LUX video camera through the 'scope, so I can whack the little bastards at night, and I need to shave 10-15 pounds off the factory trigger. Ugh.

Overall, a nice, quiet Sunday morning.
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hahaha between that and the subsonic ammo there all you have to worry about the neighbors hearing are the screams of your victims..

Do squirrels scream? [thinking]
My grandpa was in a constant state of war with squirrels over his bird feeders. One time, he snuck up on a squirrel sitting on a fence and pulled its tail off. I swear that man was part ninja...
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Oh man, do I need one of those in a bad way. Nevermind the chipmunks, which I don't want to get into, we've been having a lot of problems in the neighborhood with garbage lately. Just last week garbage never came so everyones cans were sitting out Friday, Sat, Sun, and this morning. Well every morning this weekend I woke up to garbage all over the driveway and the cans on their sides. Last night I brought the cans back up to the house and around 12:15 I hear one go over. I grabbed a flashlight and looked outside - a BIG ass raccoon. She knocked over a completely full trash can and got the lid off....

Due to the weekends frustrations I actually bought those big bastards with the flip lips so I dumped the garbage into the new ones. Sure enough 20 minutes later I hear her back trying to get the big ones over. Well this time I brought the bb gun. She had 2 younger ones with her which I didn't see the first time. She got a nice shot in the ass as they ran away. It would have been great to just end this now and not have to clean up trash from the yard every week.
Good thing you are not in Mass.

Shooting animals as night with some sort of night vision is illegal in Mass (if I recall).

The animals still own the night in Mass. They need all the help they can get.
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