AWOL soldier to surrender at Fort Knox

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LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A U.S. Army soldier who fled to Canada rather than return to Iraq said Tuesday he was traveling to Fort Knox to surrender to military authorities.

Kyle Snyder, a former combat engineer, left the U.S. in April 2005 while on leave to avoid a second deployment to Iraq.

"I don't see a lot of positive things coming from this war," Snyder told reporters Tuesday morning at a Louisville church. "I see it as a counterproductive mission."

The 23-year-old from Colorado Springs, Colo., had trained as an engineer with the 94th Corps of Engineers, but he said he was put on patrol when he got to Iraq in 2004, something he said he wasn't trained to do.

Snyder said he began to turn against the war when he saw an innocent Iraqi man seriously wounded by American gunfire. He believed the shooting was not properly investigated.

Attorney James Fennerty said a deal has been reached to keep Snyder from being court-martialed. Instead, he said, Snyder will receive an other-than-honorable discharge.

That would be the same punishment received by another deserter, Darrell Anderson, 24, of Lexington, who surrendered at Fort Knox on Oct. 3. Anderson was held for three days while his case was processed, then released.

Snyder had fled to Canada while on leave from the Army and applied for refugee status. He said he worked as a welder and at a children's health clinic while there.

Snyder was nervous about returning and said he understood people may not agree with his decision to desert the Army.

"I don't know how the American people are going to take the things I say," he said Tuesday.
I have no idea how he will be able to live with himself......I hope he can't and does the honorable thing....
he'll be running the rest of his life....he'll probably run for a political a democrat I'm sure and he'll probably win the nomination of his party as they'll consider him a hero for taking such a huge stand and deserting his unit, the military and this country in a time of war. Somthing that I thought was punishable by death but I guess that's just on tv.

I wonder if his father or grandfather ever served.....they must be so proud....
he'll be running the rest of his life....he'll probably run for a political a democrat I'm sure and he'll probably win the nomination of his party as they'll consider him a hero for taking such a huge stand and deserting his unit, the military and this country in a time of war. Somthing that I thought was punishable by death but I guess that's just on tv.

I wonder if his father or grandfather ever served.....they must be so proud....
I believe I speak for all Democrats when I say "We're dumb, but we're not that dumb".

Okay, I don't believe it, but it sure would be nice!
It was Private Slovik - I think there was a movie back in the 70's with Martin Sheen about Slovik. Wikipedia has some good info:

This isn't the first time I have heard of desertions from the military over the Iraq war. I read something a while back about a National Guard Unit that started going a little haywire when they learned they were getting shipped out to Iraq:
This crap really burns my brownies.

mmmmm..... Brownies
Dirtbag, he needs to make big rocks into little rocks for oh, say ten years or so. He's in the Army fer crying out loud, if he didn't want to fight he didn't have to enlist ! Going back to Canada should be a condition of his " other-than-honorable" discharge.
Dirtbag, he needs to make big rocks into little rocks for oh, say ten years or so. He's in the Army fer crying out loud, if he didn't want to fight he didn't have to enlist ! Going back to Canada should be a condition of his " other-than-honorable" discharge.

I am going to play devil's advocate and point out that there are quite a few people who join the military thinking that they are doing it to defend their country and I believe they even take an oath to defend the Constitution. When they get told that the defense of their country entails invading another country that never attacked us and they then see the usual crap that a foot soldier sees during the normal course of carrying out his mission they start to have second thoughts.

I am not necessarily defending this guy but we should all remember that we are here on this site because we like firearms - and that the biggest obstacle to us being able to actually keep our firearms is the US goverment - the same goverment that sends our military over to all sorts of foreign countries but yet can't seem to keep millions of immigrants from running over the border, screwed up the New Orleans disaster, and sooner or later will be trying another attempt at taking our guns away.

When the day comes that the US Govt. is using the Army and National Guard to forcibly take our firearms away ( oh - wait a minute they already did that in New Orleans) we will all be wishing there were a few more US soldiers defecting to Canada rather than carrying out their duties.

Not saying I necessarily agree with what this guy did - but we should all think about the reasons why he did it.
I am going to play devil's advocate and point out that there are quite a few people who join the military thinking that they are doing it to defend their country and I believe they even take an oath to defend the Constitution. When they get told that the defense of their country entails invading another country that never attacked us and they then see the usual crap that a foot soldier sees during the normal course of carrying out his mission they start to have second thoughts.

I am not necessarily defending this guy but we should all remember that we are here on this site because we like firearms - and that the biggest obstacle to us being able to actually keep our firearms is the US goverment - the same goverment that sends our military over to all sorts of foreign countries but yet can't seem to keep millions of immigrants from running over the border, screwed up the New Orleans disaster, and sooner or later will be trying another attempt at taking our guns away.

When the day comes that the US Govt. is using the Army and National Guard to forcibly take our firearms away ( oh - wait a minute they already did that in New Orleans) we will all be wishing there were a few more US soldiers defecting to Canada rather than carrying out their duties.

Not saying I necessarily agree with what this guy did - but we should all think about the reasons why he did it.

There is a SIGNIFICANT difference between a war legally declared by the Congress (who gave the President the authority to invade Iraq) and the clearly illegal and unconstitutional use of military forces to disarm the public.

A soldier has the obligation to disobey an illegal order. He does NOT have the choice to disobey a LEGAL order (such as the invasion of Iraq was) just because he has a personal disagreement with it.

As a former military officer, I can see a very sharp difference between someone with the courage to face the music for disobeying an unlawful order (something required by the US Armed Forces Code of Conduct) and some chickenshit who's afraid to do his duty and makes up all sorts of bullshit excuses for his cowardice.
There is a SIGNIFICANT difference between a war legally declared by the Congress (who gave the President the authority to invade Iraq) and the clearly illegal and unconstitutional use of military forces to disarm the public.

A soldier has the obligation to disobey an illegal order. He does NOT have the choice to disobey a LEGAL order (such as the invasion of Iraq was) just because he has a personal disagreement with it.

As a former military officer, I can see a very sharp difference between someone with the courage to face the music for disobeying an unlawful order (something required by the US Armed Forces Code of Conduct) and some chickenshit who's afraid to do his duty and makes up all sorts of bullshit excuses for his cowardice.

Nicely said. And now this guy should be put away for a long time.....Maybe someday he'll wake up and look in that mirror and see exactly what he is because of what he has done and spare the rest of us from ever having to look at him again.
As a former military officer, I can see a very sharp difference between someone with the courage to face the music for disobeying an unlawful order (something required by the US Armed Forces Code of Conduct) and some chickenshit who's afraid to do his duty and makes up all sorts of bullshit excuses for his cowardice.

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