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Attention Mainers…time to reconsider the caliber you carry…

Dec 1, 2005
Feedback: 12 / 0 / 0
From the Boston Globe:

Is this the Maine mystery beast?

"Loren Coleman"

I took a course at USM with that guy. He has been on Art Bell a couple of times.

Ya wanna know what the course was? It was on how the media distorts things. Go figure.
"There's things out there, in the middle them woods, that make a strong man die of fright"

Yeah this one makes it look more like a mutant chihuahua. Probably the remnants of some puppy mill somewhere. Got loose, turned feral. Amazing what inbreeding can do. [thinking] <perplexed>

I just can't believe that nobody wanted to do a necropsy. I would have done it. Why didn't they contact me?

(ETA- some Veterinary trivia. It'd be relatively simple to tell if it's more cat or more dog simply by x-raying its legs. A feline's femur is very straight, whereas a canine's femur is thicker and more bowed. With some species of cats and dogs being similar sizes, it's an easy way to tell what species you're looking at.)
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