At least its a college wakeup call

Apr 4, 2007
Tucson Arizona
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April 18, 2007

TO: The College Community

FROM: Richard I. Gouse


We’ve all been tremendously saddened by the events this week at Virginia Tech University. Our thoughts are with those who have suffered as a result of this unspeakable tragedy.

Many of you have been asking about New England Tech’s plans if there were a similar occurence on our campus. Every year, NEIT provides to each employee and student an Annual Campus Security Report which explains our plan for addressing criminal actions and other emergencies. The plan is being posted on the institution’s intranet for the employees, and on the student web site for the students. We encourage you to review this document, with particular attention to the paragraphs on “How to Report Criminal Actions and Other Emergencies”.

We are in the process of scheduling a meeting with the Warwick Police Department to seek their assistance and guidance to make sure this plan is as comprehensive as possible.

We encourage your ideas and suggestions to ensure that we maintain a safe and secure campus. Please submit any of your thoughts regarding this matter to Seth Kurn, Executive Vice President.

Recieved that email from my college. Hopefully colleges and companies are taking this as a warning to not overlook a good diaster plan.
Received an Email to alumni from the president of Northeastern University. [I'll go easy on him, he's new to the job at NU.]

Some salient points:

We have reminded our entire community that resources at University Health and Counseling Services and the Spiritual Life Office are available for anyone who needs them.

I guess counseling (even if you are 600 miles away and uninvolved, other than watching it on TV) is the "watch word" for everything these days. I wonder if they are giving out Rx for meds there too? [rolleyes]

Northeastern Public Safety officials are actively collaborating with the Boston Police as they lead an effort to create a unified response to campus threats among all the colleges and universities in Boston.

Yup, I'm sure that Mumbles hand-picked lackeys (not the line officers, but the REMF'rs) are up to the task. After all, look how well they've done with Boston's gang/murder problem! [rolleyes] [thinking]

Check out the picture on the president's webpage!

For those that know where and how NU is situated in Boston, any sense of security is a total joke!
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