Article about Four Seasons

HOLY SH!T!!! A newspaper story about a gun shop that gives a positive message. Good story and good for Carl. He is a genuine nice guy.

Thanks for the post.

At the end, I gave it a "five star" review and would suggest others do the same. To the right of "rate this article" is five blank stars. Simply click on the 5th star on the right-hand side.

If you hit "rate this article", all you'll get is the top articles and this article isn't one of them - yet...

A little positive reinforcement of the media (and how often is an opportunity like this placed before US [smile] ) should be encouraged of all NES.
ChristosX said:
HOLY SH!T!!! A newspaper story about a gun shop that gives a positive message. Good story and good for Carl. He is a genuine nice guy.

Amen Brother. Doesn't get much better than Carl and CO.
Hate to burst your bubble, but that is an advertisement not a news article.

These local newspapers do this as an addded service for their advertisers.

Still, it is nice to see.

Round Gun Shooter said:
Hate to burst your bubble, but that is an advertisement not a news article.

These local newspapers do this as an addded service for their advertisers.

Still, it is nice to see.

Usually those types of "ads" are in the business section. This article was in the Local News section.
Great article.
This article started and Carls picture was on the front page of the Woburn Advocate. Good for Carl and company at FS.
Fantastic article! This is what we need to have more of in MA to help turn the tide. Voting the right candidates into office and changing minds one-at-a-time are all good measures; but when the media starts showing us in a favorable light, priceless.
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