Art of Concealed Carry - 11/28/2006 (MA)

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
Feedback: 76 / 1 / 0
November 28, 2006 (with a Snow Date of November 30, 2006).

Art of Concealed Carry
Mansfield Fish & Game Club
6PM to 10PM

Registration will be handled directly by the GOAL office.

Course Description:

The Art of Concealed Carry* is 4-hour concealed handgun seminar designed for individuals who are currently carrying a concealed firearm or those who are considering firearms for self-defense. This course will be taught by Jon Green, GOAL’s Director of Education and Training and Attorney Darius Arbabi, the author of Topics include:

  • Lawful use of deadly force and its aftermath
  • Concealment methods & other carry options for different environments
  • Mace, pepper spray, Kubotan and other less than lethal force tools
  • Role playing of deadly force scenarios
  • Product overview: guns, holsters, ammunition and other essentials
  • Training resources and references
  • Question and answer period
Is this a newly listed course? The only one listed on the goal website is on October 25th.

Well, we can't have everything, I guess! [rolleyes]

I did notify the Webmaster to add the date/time/location after Jon & Darius locked on the date. I see that The Outdoor Message lists 3 dates and locations for this course, so at least that is up to date. Maybe they will get the website updated at some point in the future.

Call the GOAL office 508-393-5333 to make your reservations and they know what, where and when. For security reasons, nothing can be ordered/booked from the Website or Email with GOAL.
I just finally got around to signing up for this course myself.

I was # 17 and there is only 3 more slots available I am told.

So if you want to take this course, don't procrastinate, get on it and call the GOAL office, ask for Michelle. 508-393-5333!
GOAL is doing the booking and counting heads. Only way to know is to call the GOAL office. 508-393-5333
Great Class!

This was a great class, well worth the time and expense for anyone interested in carrying a gun or even "less lethal" items.

Special thanks to Darius and Jon for an excellent presentation, and those that came to the class tonight.

We need to arrange one in N Central MA

Excellect idea !

Hey one 'a you Mod's !

Any chance of a sticky for this so we can get a headcount and check interest ? If we had enough (...and I have no idea how many would be "enough".) for a class it would be easier to get the attention of the powers that be at a club to host this.

I'm in for this, and I'm sure MrsTwigg would be too, that's four so far...
NOPE, I "unstickied" it, as the date has gone by. This sticky and thread was for a particular class and that is now over.

To answer your questions (and others):

- Plan it and they shall come! Our class last night had a max of 20 (determined by GOAL, room could have held more). Reservations max'd out >1 month in advance and 4 were wait-listed but missed out.

- What I mean is that if you get a location that will sponsor it, GOAL will fill the room! So the interest is there.

- Problem is getting the clubs to come to the table with dates that you can present to Jon Green and Darius Arbabi to get it going.

Here's what it took to get this off the ground for last night:

- Many months with the BOD of MF&G before I got some dates that would work with GOAL's schedule.

- Got the go-ahead and notified GOAL, requesting website listing.

- Got MF&G website to list it and club posted it in minutes of meeting (The Outdoor Message).

- GOAL handled all the sign-ups and money collection.

- I was chartered with getting to the club 1 hour before show time, arrange the tables as requested.

- The club was chartered with supplying something to drink and some munchies to snack on. I picked up a case of bottled water and a very large box of Oreos (both at Costco's, total cost a little over $10). The club has a canned soda machine as well.

- After it was all over, I had to rearrange the tables and chairs for club purposes and pick up any trash.

That's it folks.

Now, start your engines and get your clubs to sponsor the events! Then start a thread with the appropriate date/time/location and one of us will "sticky" it.

At MF&G's BOD meeting tonight I was asked if I'd arrange a repeat. My answer was "give me some dates to give to GOAL" and I'll do it. I also threw out the idea of sponsoring the OC/Pepper Spray class that GOAL runs at MF&G. We'll see what the BOD gives me for dates and go from there.
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LenS said:
NOPE, I "unstickied" it, as the date has gone by. This sticky and thread was for a particular class and that is now over.

OK - serves me right for not visiting this section more frequently then.

I've just sent an e-mail to the Fitchburg Sportsman's Club requesting them to host a class, and I also volunteered myself to help with set up & clean up of the facilites also.

If there are any other members here who are interested in this class perhaps you could also send an e-mail ( to FSC or your local club ) voicing your interest.

What are the facility requirements for the course? Is it just lecture? How many students are required to make it worth Goal's while to do this?

I'll be glad to volunteer the Wayland Rod & Gun Club for a course if our meeting room is big enough.
MrT, no problem. Your post motivated me to put down in electrons what is involved and how to do it. Hopefully to the benefit of others here to grab the ball and run with it.

Historically, GOAL has run some great classes, but almost always at Northboro, which isn't convenient to all.

So more options for easier travel to the same classes is a real win-win situation for all.
M1911, Seating for 20 students in a horseshoe seating pattern.

I don't know what the minimum number is for it to work for GOAL, but it seems to fill up each time they run it, so it hasn't been an issue. It's only $60 for GOAL members, so it is dirt-cheap training. Darius discusses the legal issues of self-defense (both use of deadly force and non-lethal force - which will surprise you) for ~1.5 hours as part of the 4 hour class.

It is almost all lecture (with Q&A). They do ask for some volunteers for running some scenarios, but that's it.

I'll have to look at it and see if we have enough room for that.
Darius discusses the legal issues of self-defense (both use of deadly force and non-lethal force - which will surprise you)
I've been to LFI-1 and LFI-2. So I think I have a reasonable handle on that. That said, it's always worth a review and a different viewpoint.
Hello All,

I have the 2007 GOAL Foundation Training Schedule somewhat completed. The Art of Concealed Carry in Massachusetts has been scheduled for:

Feb 27th 5:30pm to 9:30pm at GOAL HQ in Northboro
May 10th 5:30pm to 9:30pm at GOAL HQ in Northboro

These two classes have not been published in The Outdoor Message yet. Seating is lcurrently limited to 12 students per class. Please call 508-393-5333ext 201 or 203 to register.

All other questions should be directed to me at 508-641-0116 or 508-393-5333 ext 202.

The GOAL Foundation is extremely fortunate to have Attorney Darius Arbabi as a co-trainer. He literally donates 100's of hours of his time annually to both GOAL and THE GOAL Foundation.

Thanks to all of you that are GOAL members.


Jon Green
Director of Education & Training
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