Anyone have a ME non-resident CCW?

I've got one and their system seems to work efficiently, although not as inexpensively or quickly as NH. My last renewal took about 6 weeks.

Dept of Public Safety
Maine State Police
Licensing Division
164 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333-0164
(207) 624-7210
[email protected]

License is $60 for 4 years.
  • * Copies of concealed firearms permits issued by other states.
    * A copy of your DD214 form (for vets)
    * Copy of your birth certificate or INS document
    * Two color passport photos 2x2
    * Proof of knowledge of handgun safety (NRA course is OK - waived for holders of state permits since 4/15/90 or vets with at least basic firearms training)
My experience is the same as Ken's. Not quite as cheap and efficient as NH, but generally painless.
Same here.

The person taking my call requesting an application was very pleasant to speak with.

Again, not as cheap or as fast as NH, but quicker and cheaper than other non-res permits I have applied for.
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