Anyone at riverside today for IDPA?

Jul 28, 2005
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Just trying to place some faces with the screen names here. I know a few here but there must be more. I was one of the ASOs today.
dwarven1 said:
Lugnut, I was the guy with the NES hat. [smile] And the loud Hawaiian shirt for a cover garment.

Yep- I saw you. You were the mastermind behind the bus stage. I was the one that asked you if that event inspired you wrt IDPA, etc, etc.- the Junior ASO with red shirt, blue red sox cap and kaki shorts- Dave Solimini [wink]
dwarven1: I was firing in the same squad as you. You picked up and returned to me some 45 ACP nickel plated cases with brass-colored primers.
Lugnut said:
Just trying to place some faces with the screen names here. I know a few here but there must be more. I was one of the ASOs today.

I was there. I was the longhair shooting a stainless Kahr.

The SOs put on a good show as usual. Thanks guys. I particularly enjoyed the bus stage, Ross.
M1911 said:
dwarven1: I was firing in the same squad as you. You picked up and returned to me some 45 ACP nickel plated cases with brass-colored primers.

Name? I think I was ASOing the other group in the AM.
Here's an action shot courtesy of Jon Green:

And if you are planning on attending, please sign-up to the Yahoo Group "RiversideActionShoots" as the CoF and sign-ups are managed there. (we do allow walk-ins, but you may get put into a later session)

If you don't want all the e-mails, use the group management to select "Special messages only" and you will get the announcements and instructional info without all the chatter.

Shooters can also call me during the work day at (978) 634-1999 or e-mail via the links on the Riverside web page.

So, Ken... Is it true that you are planning some kind of 'shoot naked' stage?
I wasn't able to make it to the IDPA class. What would a shooter have to do to be able to shoot in a match?
Show up.

No seriously, you need a gun, a strong side holster you can reholster with safely, reloads, and a cover garment.

Beyond that, show up, ask questions, and don't go first.

You WILL be overwhelmed. So what? Do what you can, be safe, and have a good time. We were all newbs at one time.
There are going to be three practice sessions before the next match: 7/13, 7/27, and 8/10 from 5:00PM to sunset. They're a great way to get a little trigger time to prepare for the upcoming match.
M1911 said:
Also, two mag holders and at least 3 magazines.
First time I went I put the mags in my pant pocket. It slowed me down but it was still a heck of a time. Full mags in front pocket... empties (or partially) in the rear. [wink] It's really a great group of people!!
GTOShootr said:
Ah.. Makou mozou shirt?

Nicely spotted. I've found a lot of useful stuff in his writings. I'm not getting much faster but I am getting better hits in the same time.
DR said:
Nicely spotted. I've found a lot of useful stuff in his writings. I'm not getting much faster but I am getting better hits in the same time.

I get asked about mine everytime I wear it so I spotted the budda right away.

I'm a big fan of Brian's book, forum, and store.
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