Any Fly Fishers on here??

Jun 7, 2005
The Land of Confusion and Pissed off!
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I was wondering if anyone on here fly fished?

I haven't been in a long time. Don't konw where half my gear is anymore. Don't remember my knots, and I'm sure that my casting skills will make sure my tippet is always stuck to a limb.

I do know where my rod and reel is, and I might be able to find my vest which might have some tippet, dry flies, and some misc stuf...but I don't have much else.

Anyway, I would like to get back into it, but would like someone to work with that can help refresh my skills. And I mean that it's been like 10 years or so since I've been out on a stream or lake.

I was a memeber of the Miami Valley Fly Fishers when I was a kid, but it's been some time.

Anyway, if anyone wants to take me under their wing this spring and summer, let me know.

Mabye if there's people that want to learn to Fly Fish, we can get a group together and all re-learn or learn together.
I used to fly fish a long time ago. I just got my dad a rod and reel as he's been looking for something to do in his retirement. That's was enough of a nudge to get me interested again. So far, I've found most of my gear and gone down to town hall for a fishing license.

So, I can't help you with current knowledge or tell you about any good local fishing spots: I'm in the same boat as you. If I do find a good spot I'll let you know. In the meantime, I'll be in my backyard practicing my casts and getting funny looks from the neighbors.
DR said:
In the meantime, I'll be in my backyard practicing my casts and getting funny looks from the neighbors.

I used to do that as well...but now I have way too many trees and wires to do that.

I would spend more time ripping tippet out of the trees. LOL!

And then I would be screwed because I don't remember my knots. But I guess that I could just go down to Borders and get a fly tying knot book. But that would be too easy.
I've been fly fishing all of my life. I'm up here in north Worcester County, and the fishing is pretty good. I also hit western Maine and southern Vermont.
If you want to find a decent place to fish in your area, look on the DIF&W website and I believe they have maps and also look at the stocking reports (everything is stocked nowadays). A gazetteer is a very helpful tool, also. I've also heard of some good trout streams that nobody goes to on the South Shore from friends that live there. I'll have to ask them because I forgot the names and places.
Since you need to brush up on the skills, you'll need a new line (weight foreward / WF) and a piece of 4lb. test mono. (one @5'long and one at 9') and a little bit of yarn.
Practice tying the line to the leader with a nail knot, or try the looped leader connectors. They are like how I'd tie the lines together in the freezing cold fishing for Kings in AK. I'm going to try them this year.
Tie a 4"-6" piece of yarn to the leader and hit the back yard.
Practice your casting techniques and then concentrate on presentation of the fly (yarn). Work on the 'roll-cast.'
Be patient, as everything comes together with time.
When you're ready, trade the mono for a knotless leader (don't have to tie tippets anymore) and the yarn for flies.
Put fly in/on water and catch fish.
And don't worry about getting a new rod and reel. Wait until you find some proficiency with the old stuff. It will work just fine. You don't want to break a $200 rod while learning.
And don't be annoyed with a fishless'll appreciate tha all of the false casting keeps the mosquitoes down [lol] .
OH, I'm not worried about buying a new rod and reel. Hell, the ones that I have are really good...shouldn't have to buy another rod or reel for the rest of my life.

I'm fortunate to have an avid fly fisher for a father who gave me a hand me down, hand made, 4 piece rod for him I think by SAGE. And a battenkill reel with several stung weight spools from Orvis. But as he's in 1000's of miles away. I don't have anyone to work with.

My problem is that I'm a visual learner...and from reading what you just wrote...I think that I need someone to go to a fly shop with me now as well. [shock]
I haven't tried fly fishing. I do know that the state stocks trout in the pond across the street from my house. I haven't noticed anyone fly fishing there, but there are people out fishing just about every day year round, except when there's thin ice.


(My place is on the far shore in this picture.)

Westford Sportsmen's Club also has a stocked (by us, not the state) trout pond, and I know that a fair number of members fly fish there.


Do you want to find a secret place in Westford that holds trout? (other than the pond at your club)

The state stocks the Stony Brook up behind the old Red Line.

Though most of it is worm fishing, it was always productive when I was a kid.

I grew up there, and I know of others........ [wink]

And there are some great spots within 20 mins. of there.

And that looks like Flushing Pond.
I know that they stock Stoney Brook, but most places it would be impossible for fly fish due to the vegetation. The picture is Long Sought For Pond looking SW from Wyman's Beach, soon to be closed and developed. :(

I was typing Long Sought For, but changed to Flushing.

And I know who the developers are, and as who the old owners are.

I grew up there and was a member of the Legion.

And there are alot of decent holes on the Stony Brook. And some good deer hunting if you know where to go.

"Blow-In Test": 1.)
what was the name of Rancho's when the building was built?
what was the name of the area where they have the subdivision between rt40 and Nutting and describe it
Is that douche-bag Leo still the manager of the Legion?
Do you know the name of the hot chick who lived across from the legion in the late 80's-early 90's?
Why the hell is that damn town putting soccer fields on Nutting Rd? There are already about 12 in the town.
Why is that town so screwed up?

Answer these correctly and I'll let you in on some secrets.... [wink]
My problem is that I'm a visual learner...and from reading what you just wrote...I think that I need someone to go to a fly shop with me now as well.---C-Pher
I haven't Fly Fished for 12 or 13 years now, but I'm starting again this year.

If you would like to work on casting, there is a little pond behind the range at the Mansfield gun club and I'd be happy to pass on what little I know. For knots I'd have check Mr. Witlocks book.

If you don't want to, then remember to practice on water when possible. It's nice to have a little drag (water friction) when you pickup. And it is criticial to have drag when roll casting.

Did I mention it's behind a gun range?


jkelly said:
My problem is that I'm a visual learner...and from reading what you just wrote...I think that I need someone to go to a fly shop with me now as well.---C-Pher
I haven't Fly Fished for 12 or 13 years now, but I'm starting again this year.

If you would like to work on casting, there is a little pond behind the range at the Mansfield gun club and I'd be happy to pass on what little I know. For knots I'd have check Mr. Witlocks book.

If you don't want to, then remember to practice on water when possible. It's nice to have a little drag (water friction) when you pickup. And it is criticial to have drag when roll casting.

Did I mention it's behind a gun range?



No, that sounds great. Let me know, and with me being a member to Mansfield, it's even better.

We'll have to work on that. I don't have a lot of gear anymore. But I have enought to get out. Rod, reel, flies, vest with some zinngers. No net, but I don't think that we'll need one to practice...

Let's do it!
I was thinking about picking up a starter kit. My wife and I regularly go camping in Northern Maine to places that are crawling with fish. Alot of them are "Fly Fishing Only" and you rarely see anyone else there. L.L.Bean has a big sale every spring. I'd like to buy one then.
" don't know what jkelly thinks, but maybe we can get a small get together...---C-pher"
Than would be fine with me.

I checked the pond behind MF&G and it is not really suitable for learning casting. What we need is a beach or flat area where we can cast into the water.

Anyone have any suggestions?


I used to quite a bit, but honestly I don't fish much at all. Still sorta seems wrong to fish any other way. Hopefully I will have more time for it in the future, but right now even my vacations are ussually more work less rest...
I could never figure out what size hook and what you'd use for bait to get the flies to bite. I've stuck with just a fly swatter. (^_^)

OK, Seriously, after getting a fly embedded in my head while learning to cast, I stuck with spincasting. (^_^)
"...after getting a fly embedded in my head while learning to cast, I stuck with spincasting.---Chris"
That's why you wear a hat and keep the rod tip leaning away from your body.
Of course it's not that I would know that from personal experience.:)


"There's a beach on the reservoir in North Attleboro behind the water plan---C-pher"
Where is that?


The weather is getting better is anyone still interested in getting together in the next several weeks to pracitce casting?


I think that the reservoir in North Attleboro behind the water plant you had mentioned would be a good place. I have to work this weekend lets shoot for the 29th or 30th.

Anybody else want to go over the basics of fly casting?


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