And I wonder...


One Shot One Maggie's Drawers
Feb 26, 2005
South of the Mason-Dixon
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...Still I wonder, who'll stop the rain.

That's right, folks, it started last Friday evening, rained out my pistol match on Saturday and hasn't stopped since. Anyone have the plans to build an ark?
Now if memory serves, when we were going through our deluge up here, you were rubbing it in about what beautiful weather you were enjoying down there.

Karma, Tony, Karma. [lol]
Shit! They're already up to tropical storm Karma?!? [roll] My son must have missed complaining about a few. (He moved to Florida so he wouldn't have to shovel snow; now his wife whines about the hurricanes. There's no way to win.)

Cheer up, Tony, I've had nothing but HOT weather, and no rain for at least 2 weeks now. We had rain up here, but at the time I was in El Paso, living with HIGH Ozone.
Ken, if they ever name a storm "Karma" you can bet your ass I'll be outta here!

I lived 10 years on the gulf coast of FL and just recently came of to GA.

" I went up to Georgia, seekin’ shelter from the storm.
Caught up in the fable, I watched the tower grow.
Five year plans and new deals, wrapped in golden chains.
And I wonder, still I wonder who’ll stop the rain."
TonyD said:
I lived 10 years on the gulf coast of FL and just recently came of to GA.

Speaking of FL...can you believe that 16 year old kid fishing with shrimp waist deep in the water that's known to have sharks in the area? Darwin award candidate if you ask me.
Lynne said:
TonyD said:
I lived 10 years on the gulf coast of FL and just recently came of to GA.

Speaking of FL...can you believe that 16 year old kid fishing with shrimp waist deep in the water that's known to have sharks in the area? Darwin award candidate if you ask me.

There's always sharks in the surf, people just aren't aware of it. They rarely bother swimmers but the possibility always exists.

I just caught (and ate) a 4 footer in shallow water off the pan handle over Memorial Day.
Hubby and I went deep sea fishing last year (in August, I think). We tried 6 spots and every one of them was loaded, and I mean loaded with sand sharks (also called dog fish). The biggest one I saw was about 2 1/2 feet long, but there was one spot where I swear you could have walked across the water on them.

The kicker in this? The Captain of the boat said they were on the endangered species list. Endangered species my arse. [roll]
C-pher said:
I've wanted to go shark fishing. My cousin on Long Island goes shark fishing all the time. But I would give it a go...

I'm pretty much just haning out in the streems with my fly rod looking for trout.

Funny thing is we weren't shark fishing. I had just caught a nice trout (also went on the grill) and I was using light tackle. Light rod, 10lb test and a friggin' lure! That sucker hit on my forth cast after switching from shrimp to the lure. I was hoping it was a cobia. That was some shit getting that sucker in on light tackle. I thought the pole was going to snap.
Yup, exactly. When I worked in the seafood dept. So many customers were so narrow minded when it comes to fish. Can't tell you how many could not touch a lobster either.
MrsWildweasel said:
I don't have to camp with bears,they're in my back yard. Just have to go out the door.

Western Mass? I'll be down that way (Granville, I believe) this weekend. Campout at a friend's place. More bears there than up here.
Heard a story when I was in Alberta (up by Chateau Lake Louise - a truly gorgeous spot). There's a lake up there that's made up of glacial melt and there's a path that goes around it. They tell you if you go for a walk to take a bell with you, or make noise as your walking because you could well come up on a bear - especially grizzleys. This woman from NYC was walking with her 6 year old kid. They rounded a corner in the path and came up on a grizz. She told the 6 year old to go stand beside the bear so she could get a picture. One need not wonder what happened to the kid.

I thought this was a story made up by the locals to scare the tourists into doing what they were told, but we went to the local paper's office and looked in their files - it really did happen. The sad part was she didn't understand why. Another Darwin candidate. [roll]
I'm always amazed that people think they are cute cuddly teddy bears. We have one idiot here in town that loads the back of his pick up with food and lets the bears eat out of it. [roll]
MrsWildweasel said:
I'm always amazed that people think they are cute cuddly teddy bears. We have one idiot here in town that loads the back of his pick up with food and lets the bears eat out of it. [roll]

I can't wait for the day my sister in-law gets attacked. She's the same way. I tell her they are not to be messed with, but what do I know. [roll]
It truly is amazing how stupid people can be about it and when they end up getting hurt they just don't get it. They're not pets.
I always take "Bear repellent" with me when camping in the National Forrest up here. "Bear repellent" is usually a Glock 19 or 1911A1 (or both), and maybe a long arm, with blanks for the long arm (M80 Ball 0r M855 Ball as well).
As much as I am a fan of the 9mm, I believe it, and the .45, would only piss off a grizz. I'd be much more comfortable with a .454 Casull or .500 S&W.
TonyD said:
As much as I am a fan of the 9mm, I believe it, and the .45, would only piss off a grizz. I'd be much more comfortable with a .454 Casull or .500 S&W.

Yeah, it would be like a mosquito bite to them. They have NO sense of humor. [wink]
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