And another sick individual

Oct 18, 2005
Indy--formerly a prisoner of Commiechuesetts
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Mother Gets 40 Years in Prison for Rape

CINCINNATI - A woman who molested at least one of her five children and prompted four of them to have sex with each other has been sentenced to 40 years in prison.
Robin Kraft, 26, had pleaded guilty in June to two charges of rape and four counts of child endangering. Hamilton County Common Pleas Judge David Davis on Friday imposed the maximum sentence, saying Kraft should not be released from prison while she can bear children.

Prosecutors said the children have been psychologically harmed.

"These children were not beaten, there were no cuts or stabs, but the way these kids act now after living with this woman requires prolonged treatment to be normal, if ever," said Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Mark Piepmeier.

Prosecutors said Kraft and her husband, Paul Kraft, 32, sexually abused their four sons and one daughter, ages 1 to 6, in 2004.

In March, Paul Kraft received five life sentences on five rape charges and 96 additional years on 12 charges of pandering sexually oriented material involving a minor. He is ineligible for parole.

Prosecutors say Paul Kraft encountered an undercover Secret Service agent last March in an Internet chat room called "baby and pre-teen sex."

In an online exchange, Kraft offered to rape his 3-year-old daughter live on the Internet if another person would do the same so Kraft could watch, prosecutors say. The agent contacted Hamilton County sheriff's deputies, who arrested Kraft at home.

The children were placed in foster care. They had limited language skills at the time, but developed enough to tell authorities what happened to them, prosecutors said.
I hope they both serve their sentences in the general prison population! [devil]

There is a "pecking order" amongst cons and child rapists are treated to a very special hell on earth inside prisons!
Don't worry, their sentences will usually end rather abruptly once released into the general population! [devil]

In most cases, they will be either tortured by fellow prisoners or murdered if the opportunity avails itself. [wink]
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