AMD 65 build problem

Mar 15, 2015
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I am down to the final steps on an AMD65 build. The charging handle is not sliding like it should. I have grinded some of the bolt as well as the top slide of the rail. Does anyone know the correct way to fix this? I used a Polish receiver flat. Thank you in advance
Well since it's a polish receiver flat, is it pointing in the right direction first? [rofl] (I can make those jokes, I'm 101% polish)


The likely culprit is the extractor which has to be ground down in increments so the bolt may slide along its path. You want to be carefully removing material bc it needs to fit neatly against the bolt. If you remove too much it won't be able to do its job and you just ruined the receiver.

Take pics of what is "catching"/stopping the BCG from sliding along its path.

And for God's sake STOP GRINDING THE BOLT!
yeah, stop grinding that bolt like stripper sugardaddy. Many receivers come with oversized extractors and undersized mag well. This is for you to fit them, people don't grind magazines to fit he receiver.

It sounds like you building from blank. Are you sure that extractor is even correct? Did it come with kit? Having a working AK really helps because you can do sanity check, i.e. use a known good part to check fit.
Send some pics. I have an amd. No issues when I built it, but filing on the right spots made it work properly. Easy with the filing. A bit at a time. Remember you can't gind away, but it is very difficult to put it back again.
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