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DevX said:I just sent in my NH one last week, there was nothing about photos listed in the requirements.
Emoto said:I was just eyeballing the NH non-res application. It say that one must say either "protection" or "all proper purposes".
I assume that "all proper purposes" is what I should say for just general concealed carry, right?
There didn't seem to be anything having to do with fingerprintes either, or did I miss something?
senorFrog said:I searched on various sites re that. As you know from the application it HAS to be one of the two, worded exactly like that.
I went with "All proper purposes" and didn't have a problem.
Some kool aid drinkers on other sites said it was a trick question. Never found a REAL answer.
EDIT: Make sure to include a copy front and back of you Mass CCW.