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Administration preps new gun regulations

From the article: “The high rate of domestic violence deaths in America is directly related to our weak gun laws. But we know that smart gun laws can—and do—stop domestic abuse from turning into murder."

Solution? Why not make a law that bans murder? Oh, wait...
The regulations range from new restrictions on high-powered pistols
= Ban on (or added to the NFA),
AR and AK style pistols.

This was inevitable after they backed off on the M855/SS109 ban (if the whole ammo thing wasn't a smokescreen from the very start).
Frankly, it looks like it's setting the stage to create another question to ask presidential candidates during debates. Looks like 1992 all over again.

Unlike in '92, forums such as NES have given us a place to spread ideas faster and raise such a stink as to prevent things like the M855 scare earlier this year.
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The ATF can't disappear from the planet soon enough.
Should we end up with a Republican president and Republican congress at the same time, it's something we need to push like there's no tomorrow.
They already got peep pee smacked over their stupid ammo ban and yet they want to keep on keeping on.
One of the most putrid and corrupt Govt. agencies in the world.

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So..does all this become the lame-duck-Kenyan-Muslim-Maggot F*ck's next round of "executive orders"?

We've all been wondering when he'd go for broke and try to outright ban ban ban... (or as the Jersey legislator said when caught on open mike unbeknownst to her: "We needed more..we needed a bill to confiscate confiscate confiscate"??)...I despise this scumball in the oval office, don't trust anyone in his administration, and don't trust too many in Congress to stick up for me either....

If the NRA is the "only thing stopping Obama" from eviscerating the 2nd Amendment, then even if they are/were a "smoke and mirrors act" organization as some claim they are, they can have 5 or 10 % of my annual salary in "tithing" if that's the only way to keep this closet Muslim's filthy corrupt hands off my legal weapons of self defense. God do I despise this dirtbag, and never imagined I'd grow up to call the President such unflattering names. Not how I was raised. Then again, my elders never had such a despicable human being sitting in power above them, either....
So..does all this become the lame-duck-Kenyan-Muslim-Maggot F*ck's next round of "executive orders"?

We've all been wondering when he'd go for broke and try to outright ban ban ban... (or as the Jersey legislator said when caught on open mike unbeknownst to her: "We needed more..we needed a bill to confiscate confiscate confiscate"??)...I despise this scumball in the oval office, don't trust anyone in his administration, and don't trust too many in Congress to stick up for me either....

If the NRA is the "only thing stopping Obama" from eviscerating the 2nd Amendment, then even if they are/were a "smoke and mirrors act" organization as some claim they are, they can have 5 or 10 % of my annual salary in "tithing" if that's the only way to keep this closet Muslim's filthy corrupt hands off my legal weapons of self defense. God do I despise this dirtbag, and never imagined I'd grow up to call the President such unflattering names. Not how I was raised. Then again, my elders never had such a despicable human being sitting in power above them, either....

I'll tell you, I never heard my old man speak in hostile terms about any president. even if he didn't 100% agree with their politics, till Clinton came along.
And then he let it fly.
I can only imagine what he would say about the current clown show.
The man is a stain on this country that will never wash out.
The Republic has died a long slow agonizing death. It is time to take down the flag and turn out the lights. Look to your selves and your families. Circle the wagons and prepare for what is coming. Hitler made grandiose plans about exterminating the undesirables and dividing up the world. Little did he know that his grand schemes would result in him blowing his own brains out. At the end of the game the pawn and the king wind up in the same box.

These masters of the universe are masters of little. Look at what is happening to the police in Baltimore. They are afraid to leave their station houses. These are rough lessons in state craft but the lessons are clear. They run nothing without our compliance. Never disarm. Never give up and never give in. It is moral to disobey an immoral law. Any law that would take away your defenses is immoral.

The Republic lives in our hearts. It is an ideal that once in a century must be reestablished. We are in a period similar to the 1750’s and 1850’s great tidal currents are in motion. Old political parties are breaking apart and new alliances are being born. The civil war came about when one third of the country came to realize they had no political voice. More than half the country has come to that realization today. The spark will come at either another Sumter or Alamo. My hope is that for we the people it will be the Alamo.
= Ban on (or added to the NFA),
AR and AK style pistols.

This was inevitable after they backed off on the M855/SS109 ban (if the whole ammo thing wasn't a smokescreen from the very start).

i wish i could buy one of those AK pistols in MA for giggles =(
Just remember that Al Gore could not even carry his pro-2a state of Tennessee. That was due to his anti-gun stance.

Any more restrictions on gun control will rally the troops like never before.

Looking forward to see how mental a person needs to be before losing guns.

I'm sure that whatever Obama decides, it will be found to be unconstitutional.
i hope 20 years from now the mainstream America will note the current administration as one of the most useless. for shits im trying to think of good things and i cant really think of any.
i hope 20 years from now the mainstream America will note the current administration as one of the most useless. for shits im trying to think of good things and i cant really think of any.

Those of us who lived through it as adults will understand. The mass media and history books (remember which way academia leans) will whitewash it, some to serve their political agenda and others for fear of being called racist.
Obama is a domestic enemy of the constitution, plain and simple. We will fight this just like we did the surplus 5.56 ammo ban, we will come out on top as long as we keep the pressure on!
i would think that ar15 and ak pistols have lower stats in crime than most other guns.

I'm betting it's closer to extremely rare to nonexistent.

Their 'think of the children' strategy, didn't work out for them so instead they'll play the 'officer safety'
card and see how that plays out.

Whatever they have planned or coming down the line, won't have any impact on firearms related crime, suicides or
accidental firearms deaths/injuries, and the opposition knows it.

It's all about pride and politics.

Even after the Newton crap, our side has not only been beating back their bullshit... we've been gaining ground, and the
antis are livid about it. It's like they've been getting their asses handed to them so much lately, that they have to comeback
at us with something... anything, rather than throw in the towel.

Obama, Biden, Bloomberg and the rest of their ilk, thought they had a sure thing going, made promises to their backers
that they couldn't keep and got boot stomped into a mudhole in the process. Hate the ****ers or not, no one wants
to be humiliated that badly in front of their supporters.

It's not what they win, as long as they win something, anything to pat themselves on the back about.

IDK what the end result will be, but based on the below article it appears he is poised to regulate that even a temporary restraining order will be grounds to violate a person's right to own a gun forever, as opposed to temporarily as is now the (still unconstitiutional) law.

This would be naked tyranny, as it would allow a permanent denial of a God-given right based on a mere accusation.

IDK what the end result will be, but based on the below article it appears he is poised to regulate that even a temporary restraining order will be grounds to violate a person's right to own a gun forever, as opposed to temporarily as is now the (still unconstitiutional) law.

This would be naked tyranny, as it would allow a permanent denial of a God-given right based on a mere accusation.


From link in article...

DOJ/ATF RIN: 1140-AA23 Publication ID: Spring 2015
Title: Machine Guns, Destructive Devices, and Certain Other Firearms--Amended Definition of "Pistol"

This rule would propose to amend the regulations relating to machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA) for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to clarify the definition of the term "pistol" and to define more clearly exceptions to the "pistol" definition.

Reading between the lines, I suspect "Amended Definition of "Pistol" might have something to do with
the Sig brace and similar devices cluster**** and not AR and AK type pistols.

No one remembers unfortunately, however had it happened today with social media and YouTube, things would most certainly be different. I have wondered from time to time, what would happen if a group of people trolls the internet, on a mega scale with a coordinated "live stream" via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter status updates, would people essentially jump on the band wagon. I speculate that either people will ignore it, or it would explode.
= Ban on (or added to the NFA),
AR and AK style pistols.
That's just about $$ not safety.

This was inevitable after they backed off on the M855/SS109 ban (if the whole ammo thing wasn't a smokescreen from the very start).
Don't worry, I'm sure they'll try again. It's in their DNA

Stay safe!
Zero Hour Arms
If the bureaucrats are this desperate to disarm the public they plan on doing something in the near future which may make the public angry enough to engage in armed rebellion.

I'm not one for believing the tin foil, but this stinks to high heaven.
No one remembers unfortunately, however had it happened today with social media and YouTube, things would most certainly be different. I have wondered from time to time, what would happen if a group of people trolls the internet, on a mega scale with a coordinated "live stream" via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter status updates, would people essentially jump on the band wagon. I speculate that either people will ignore it, or it would explode.

Wont happen, Do you wonder why no one has ever lived streamed such an attack before? One of the first rules for a large operation like that is to issolate the compound. Break all outside power/tel-com hardwires and jam (or shut down) and cell signals. Unless someone is transmitting via sat phone (and the gov doesnt know about it so they dont shut that down too) it always comes down to the brave JBT's word against the criminals....
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