6 suspects arrested in connection with over a dozen armed robberies


NES Member
Feb 17, 2019
Over the Hills and Far Away
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"Investigators recovered a large capacity ghost gun that had 33 rounds in the magazine and a sear selector, which reportedly made the gun fully automatic."

Five minutes doing a cursory search on the Springfield PD Facebook page makes it really hard not to be a racist. All of these violent criminal a**h***s are minorities. Maybe not ALL but the VAST majority.
In Springfield, arent whytepeephole the minority?
28% of the population. Latinos are 46%. Black are 18%. Didn’t realize Springfield population was tilted so much toward Latinos. In less than 20 years, white people went from the majority to the minority.
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"Investigators recovered a large capacity ghost gun that had 33 rounds in the magazine and a sear selector, which reportedly made the gun fully automatic."

These dudes had serious records dating way, way back. Yet, the authorities keep releasing them to prey on the innocent.
Five minutes doing a cursory search on the Springfield PD Facebook page makes it really hard not to be a racist. All of these violent criminal a**h***s are minorities. Maybe not ALL but the VAST majority.
How many white folks live in Springfield?

How many white folks should live in Springfield?
You cant tell me the average cop on the street is turning a blind eye because he's worried about losing his job due to running out of criminals to arrest
I didn’t say cops. Cops only arrest the a**h***s. It’s up to the courts to keep them in jail. Cops on the other hand do what they’re told and won’t risk their pensions for anything they can’t get away with.
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