410 shotgun

Years ago, my buddy had a Contender with a 45lc/410 bbl. We used it one day to shoot hand-thrown clays. THAT was hard. You almost had to miss to hit them as the barrel was slightly (1 in 92 feet or something) rifled to be not considered an AOW.
You should look for an old Savage that had .22 over .410.
I had one as a kid running my trapline and tried forever to get a grouse that hung under a certain apple tree but never did.
My uncle took it back and sold it. :( It was a cool little gun with the selector button on the side of the receiver....
I bought my wife a used HR 410, one of the first guns I ever shot. She's convinced that I bought it for myself so she doesn't use it. Why is the ammo so darn expensive?
Because no one shoots more than a handful of rounds every 10 years or so.
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