230gr JHP vs 185gr JHP out of short 45ACP BBL?


NES Member
Jun 22, 2005
South Central Mass
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I've been doing a little research on 45 ACP JHP rounds for defensive shooting and would like some input on what your thoughts are. My entire inventory of 45 ACP is in the 230gr variety and my defensive rounds are all 230gr JHP. Until recently all of my 45 ACP guns have had longer bbls in the 4"-5" range. They have performed very well for me and haven't had many issues with this setup.

Now though I'm looking at changing my carry gun to one in 45 ACP and I'm rethinking whether the 230gr round is my best option. In a previous post I tested out a Colt Defender, which is considered a microcompact w/ a 3" bbl, and a Glock 30SL, which is considered a compact with a 3.77" bbl. From the research I've been doing the 230gr bullet is not recommended for these firearms. Reason stated is that the bbl is too short for the round to get the proper velocity so the round does not expand upon impact. There are other reasons given, but this is the one I seem to find the most when reading about ballistics out of a shorter bbl'd weapon.

Wondering what your thoughts and experiences are in this. If I do the range test again with my Colt and Glock using 185gr rounds, I wonder if I'll see much of a difference in my results. I have to imagine that the 185s will have a higher velocity out of the bbl, which will add to recoil and follow up. Just with that I don't think much on my testing will change. Though I am now interested to see how the 185s perform out of my guns.

Anyone have some experience with this and if so, how did it go?
For defensive purposes I use nothing but 230s, regardless of barrel length.

Win RA45T does exceptionally well out of 3.5ish barrels. I still see 850ish FPS out of my G30 with these and they're not even +P, although I suspect they're on the edge. [laugh]

The problem I have with 185s is I'm sure its different now, but a lot of the 185 gr .45 defense loads on the market are shit. It's a lot easier to get a 230 that does what its supposed to do.

For defensive purposes I use nothing but 230s, regardless of barrel length.

Win RA45T does exceptionally well out of 3.5ish barrels. I still see 850ish FPS out of my G30 with these and they're not even +P, although I suspect they're on the edge. [laugh]

The problem I have with 185s is I'm sure its different now, but a lot of the 185 gr .45 defense loads on the market are shit. It's a lot easier to get a 230 that does what its supposed to do.


I carry RA45TP. Winchester Ranger .45 +P 230gr because I'm not a pussy like Mike.
I read some good things about critical defense 185g on this forum. Then again, that's mostly what I've been able to find so far.
Check out reviews by tnoutdoors9 on YouTube. He has a wide variety of defensive ammunition he tests in caliber rated ballistic gel. I'm a firm believer that Federal HST, regardless of caliber, is the best defensive ammo on the market for the money. Check out his videos and make your own conclusion.
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