How to Legally Take Posession of Unregistered SBS?

Oct 1, 2010
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I have no NFA items and am only loosly familiar with the rules / regs / process. I need to tap into the braintrust here for the following scenario:

Local estate is selling off a shotgun from the 20's / 30's with a 17 3/4" barrel. I highly doubt that it is currenlty registered.
My basic understanding is that it would be a SBS given that it is not an antique. Correct?

If it is an NFA item, what would be my options for legally taking posession of it?
- take the barrel off while and have someone else hold onto it while I file application?
- take the whole gun to a gun store and have them hold onto it while I file papers?
- other option that makes more sense?
I don't know, but here is some none legal advice. What I would do unless some who knows better tells me.

Have a FFL you know/trust take it. Work on getting your shit together and they transfer them to you.
I have no NFA items and am only loosly familiar with the rules / regs / process. I need to tap into the braintrust here for the following scenario:

Local estate is selling off a shotgun from the 20's / 30's with a 17 3/4" barrel. I highly doubt that it is currenlty registered.
My basic understanding is that it would be a SBS given that it is not an antique. Correct?

If it is an NFA item, what would be my options for legally taking posession of it?
- take the barrel off while and have someone else hold onto it while I file application?
- take the whole gun to a gun store and have them hold onto it while I file papers?
- other option that makes more sense?
Its only in an NFA item when it's in the NFA configuration. Take the barrel off and you are fine.
Just remember one thing,while in jail never bend over for the soap in the shower.
So what would you do?
I would verify it was an SBS by putting a cleaning rod down the barrel to the breach face, then measure that distance on the rod. Thats how the ATF measures it.

If it is in fact less than 18 inches, I would separate the barrel and receiver and keep them separate, like separate addresses.
At that point, either Efile a form 1 for the receiver or source an 18 inch barrel.
For more fun, cut the barrel down and cut the stock down and form 1 it. Think that will work as long as you do not need to transfer it to/from through a dealer.
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