HB 158

Sep 26, 2014
New Hampshire
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Have not investigated this at all. just a copy paste.

Have not investigated this at all. just a copy paste.

It's a bad bill, one of about 10 this year. I already added my two cents to the online testimony.

It is already double extra illegal to use AP ammo in the commission of a crime, now they want to ban the possession of it. While the hunting ammunition part is slightly a stretch, there are thousands and thousands of rounds of AP ammo purchased legitimately either during 'panics' or stored from grandpa's old collection. Heck CMP was selling AP 30.06 at one time, if I remember correctly.

Committee hearing is this week.

Unrelated about GOA-there is no longer a NH director, so if anyone was relying on them in the past, they should do their own work from now on. This guy that published this 'alert' lives in PA. Fat lot of good he'll do. Recommend everyone take the 15 minutes each week to check the online meeting schedules for both bodies.

More discussion on that bill and others here: 2023- NH Legislation
From rep Santonastaso:
On 01/26/2023 11:11 PM Matthew Santonastaso <[email protected]> wrote:

I will send your testimony to the house clerk and see if they can update it.

This part looks good though
Support: 3 | Oppose: 130 | Neutral: 0
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