grafting apples onto root stock

Jul 27, 2008
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I ordered some root stock and am going to try grafting some cuttings I collected back in February. Anyone done this before ? I am hoping to start the root stock in containers and grafting as soon as they start to bud. The plan is to try and transplant this fall into the orchard area.

Wondering what size containers to use ,, 3 gallon maybe? And would a bag container be okay? Any advise is appreciated.

I just grafted 6 different varieties of peaches last week.
How did you store your scion wood since February?
The scion wood & rootstock should be dormant when you do your grafting.
I usually heel my newly grafted trees into the garden for the first year then plant in their permanent home.
I just grafted 6 different varieties of peaches last week.
How did you store your scion wood since February?
The scion wood & rootstock should be dormant when you do your grafting.
I usually heel my newly grafted trees into the garden for the first year then plant in their permanent home.
The scion has been in the crisper drawer , triple wrapped in Saran wrap and plastic produce bags. The root stock is bare stock from Fedco. So both should be dormant when grafting ??? I just received the stock yesterday , out of the bags and in wet paper shredded. So I can plant the grafts in the garden till next spring then transplant in the spring ?
The rootstock & scion wood should be dormant.
I heel mine finished grafted trees into the garden for a season. That way if they don’t take I can stool the rootstock to make more for free.
If they do make it (%90+) they go to their permanent home the following spring.
That’s how I do it.
You can pot them if you want to.
The rootstock & scion wood should be dormant.
I heel mine finished grafted trees into the garden for a season. That way if they don’t take I can stool the rootstock to make more for free.
If they do make it (%90+) they go to their permanent home the following spring.
That’s how I do it.
You can pot them if you want to.
It would be easier your way as opposed to potting IMHO. Is there a good tutorial online for the actual grafting ? It sounds like I am ready to graft and then drop them into their foster home till next year.
I’ve never looked but I’m sure there are a bunch of good instructional videos on grafting. Watch a few and you’ll get the idea. It’s really simple if you follow the rules.
The first apple tree planted on my farm was grafted by a six year old from an ancient apple tree that was planted by my great great grandfathers on his farm.
If a six year old can do it so can you.
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