'Others' can now be registered as SBR's....but...

Jul 31, 2021
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As of today...

But get this....

..they have to stay in their 'other' format, meaning you can have the brace but not a stock, need to keep the vertical fore grip and keep the minimum barrel/oevrall length since a stock et al turns it into an unregistered 'assault weapon' by CT definition.


So we need to register it as an SBR with ATF just to keep them, but we can't make it an actual SBR in the state even though the ATF says it is. And since the firearms aren't pre-1994 or already registered in state as assault weapons before 2014, they can't get a state 'assault weapons' registration to make them SBR's that we can put a stock on and have no minimum barrel length...


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So....we can register our 'others' with ATF as SBR's, but we can't actually make them SBR's because they would violate CT's 'assault weapon' ban. But, if HB6667 goes through, all our 'others' and pre-bans will be deemed 'assault weapons' and we'll probably have to register them with the state....meaning that if we got the SBR approval from ATF we can now make them actual SBR's. Got it.

That’s some f***ed up logic right there. I’d say somebody’s gonna sue, but I couldn’t even articulate what you would be suing over other than that it’s all unconstitutional.
So for anyone who did the no-fee SBR form application during the 'amnesty' period, has anyone gotten their approval or heard back yet? I did a number of them on 3/31 and 4/5, have heard nothing and still say 'submitted/pending approval' on the site.

On these however, I did not include my SS# like I did on my previous SBR's, and that apparently adds processing time.....even though they have it from my last SBR approvals..... 🫤
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Okay...so so I've gotten 3 out of the 4 I submitted. One that I submitted on 3/31/23 that was approved on 8/16/23, so 139 days. The second one which was submitted 4/5/12 approved 8/24/23, so 142 days, and the third (also submitted 4/5/23) approved today so 146 days. One more to go.

And now have to wait for CT to get their 'assault weapons' forms ready so I can ultimately put stocks on them and change some barrel lengths.
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Okay...so so I've gotten 3 out of the 4 I submitted. One that I submitted on 3/31/23 that was approved on 8/16/23, so 139 days. The second one which was submitted 4/5/12 approved 8/24/23, so 142 days, and the third (also submitted 4/5/23) approved today so 146 days. One more to go.

And now have to wait for CT to get their 'assault weapons' forms ready so I can ultimately put stocks on them and change one barrel lengths.

The loops you have to jump through to remain a law-abiding gunowner in CT are dismaying.

But if it keeps one child safe... Blah, blah, blah.

I finished emptying my storage unit in CT this past weekend. I have, (and am keeping), my CT non-resident permit - but other than that I'm done.
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