NBC news and Asian Americans

Devils Paintbrush

NES Member
Aug 19, 2007
North Shore
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With NBC's mentality, right is wrong. Does anyone still watch mainstream media news?

They are quoting the report that is a train wreck on contradictions.

Asian Americans and guns

Banning firearms is a step toward authoritarianism.

Key disinformation narratives about guns on
Chinese-language social media:
• Narrative 1: Banning guns is a step towards authoritarianism while gun
ownership represents “democracy.”
• Narrative 2: Police in the U.S. are not obligated to protect people, thus
owning guns is necessary for self-defense, especially in these times of rising
anti-Asian hate.
• Narrative 3: The shooters in mass shootings are Black, people of color, or
transgender, and are affiliated with Democrats.
• Narrative 4: The gun control policies of Democrats has led to increased crime
and shootings.
• Narrative 5: Good guys with guns will stop bad guys from committing crimes

Gun violence report
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According to ratings which are probably skewed high, they are getting 6-8 million people a night on each one but only 1 million between 25-54. Very few under 50 watch it.

The gun industry isn't "targeting" anyone......they legally sell guns to whomever steps up to guy one.

Smart Asian Americans are finally getting over their usual culture wide brain lock and figuring out they're on their own as far as their security goes and are exercising their rights.
Chinese FOR affirmative action? That alone tells you that these folks are the small fringe leftie group with their heads up in their asses:

The report, released Tuesday by the civil rights nonprofit group Chinese for Affirmative Action, pointed to five dominant narratives emerging — largely on WeChat — including the idea that banning guns is a step toward authoritarianism, while gun ownership represents “democracy.”
Yeah I felt dizzy after trying to read that article. Was it saying that the Chinese government are trying to undermine US democracy by promoting gun rights as a check against authoritarianism? I couldn't figure out what the article was trying to say. Maybe the article itself was Chinese disinformation?
I wrote a real nasty-gram email to the CAA (Chinese Affirmative Action) website that out this ridiculous report out, refuting every point on it. I know they'll ignore it but I felt better anyway after sending it. If anyone else is interested in doing the same, the email address is [email protected].


Re: Gun Violence Disinformation Report

I just read your "gun violence disinformation report".
Every single thing in it that you say is "disinformation" is actually TRUE.
Key disinformation narratives about guns on

Chinese-language social media:

Narrative 1:
Banning guns is a step towards authoritarianism while gun
ownership represents “democracy.”

IT IS A STEP TOWARDS AUTHORITARIANISM. The founders of our country knew this, that's why the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution exists!!!

Narrative 2:
Police in the U.S. are not obligated to protect people, thus
owning guns is necessary for self-defense, especially in these times of rising
anti-Asian hate.

Police in the U.S. ARE NOT obligated to protect any individual citizen, only the public "at large". THIS HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED IN RULINGS BY THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT. IT IS FACTUALLY TRUE!

Narrative 3:
The shooters in mass shootings are Black, people of color, or
transgender, and are affiliated with Democrats.

Shooters come in ALL types. So what???? So do ARMED CITIZEN heroes who come to the aid of innocents and saves lives EVERY SINGLE DAY, with legally-owned guns!!!

Narrative 4:
The gun control policies of Democrats has led to increased crime
and shootings.

FACTUALLY TRUE. By refusing to punish actual criminals and remove them from free society while doing all they can to criminalize armed self-defense by law-abiding citizens, there has been HUGE rise in violent crime!

Narrative 5:
Good guys with guns will stop bad guys from committing crimes

Good guys DO stop bad guys from committing crimes EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Check this link out, it is a running database of armed self-defense news articles from all around the United States:

Data Visualization | Defensive Gun Uses in the U.S. | The Heritage Foundation

Data Visualization | Defensive Gun Uses in the U.S. | The Heritage Found...​

According to almost every major study on the issue, Americans use their firearms defensively between 500,000 and...

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in the U.S. I don't care if your organization doesn't like it. IT IS HERE TO STAY. "Disinformation" is a leftist-invented term meant to justify suppression of free speech. There are ONLY TWO types of speech in this world:

1. Free Speech
2. Speech controlled by the powerful


With NBC's mentality, right is wrong. Does anyone still watch mainstream media news?

They are quoting the report that is a train wreck on contradictions.

Asian Americans and guns

Banning firearms is a step toward authoritarianism.

Key disinformation narratives about guns on
Chinese-language social media:
• Narrative 1: Banning guns is a step towards authoritarianism while gun
ownership represents “democracy.”
• Narrative 2: Police in the U.S. are not obligated to protect people, thus
owning guns is necessary for self-defense, especially in these times of rising
anti-Asian hate.
• Narrative 3: The shooters in mass shootings are Black, people of color, or
transgender, and are affiliated with Democrats.
• Narrative 4: The gun control policies of Democrats has led to increased crime
and shootings.
• Narrative 5: Good guys with guns will stop bad guys from committing crimes

Gun violence report

Sounds like more antigun BS from a leftist SF based group that probably gives happy endings for money from Soros funded groups. Oh and F NBC
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